Free Education via Chat GPT

Khan Academy has shared some details of its plans to integrate Chat GPT v4.0 into the range of educational services it provides. The new tool, known as Khanmigo, will be provided to a limited set of students, teachers and others who sign up at this link.

Assistance offered by Chat GPT for students may include

  • Getting help with math
  • Write a story together through back-and-forth idea generation (but Khanmigo won’t write the story for them!)
  • Prep for AP exams
  • Practice new vocabulary words
  • Learn computer programming
  • Interview a historical figure like Cleopatra or Jane Austen
  • Debate a topic like “Should schools ban AI?”
  • ...

Help offered by Chat GPT for teachers could cover:

  • Writing lesson plans
  • Creating lesson hooks
  • Helping with time-consuming administrative tasks

Further questions on the new Khanmigo service are listed here

A demo of the new Khanmigo educational chat tool on YouTube can be viewed by clicking here or the picture below

Tutoring for all

By leveraging AI, we can bring the benefits of one-on-one tutoring—deep understanding, confidence, clarity, and empowerment—to all students.

Empowering educators

Take your teaching to the next level with AI-guided lesson planning and insightful student feedback. Khanmigo frees up our educators’ most limited resource—time

Unlocking creativity

Khanmigo mimics a writing coach by giving prompts and suggestions to move students forward as they write, debate, and collaborate in exciting new ways.


How do I start using GPT(normal user)


Decisions, Decisions