GPT 4.0 Release (available now!)

Chat GPT 4.0 released

Chat GPT 4.0 released

Chat GPT 4.0 Availability:
Version 4 will be available within the ChatGPT app and via the API for third parties to use. You’ll need to be a ChatGPT Plus subscriber to get access today, although usage will be capped initially. If you’re test driving the integration within Microsoft Bing AI, then you’re already using ChatGPT-4.

Announced during a private conference in Germany on AI, Microsoft CTO confirmed that GPT 4.0 is planned to be released on 3rd week of March. Not many details were provided but the major feature of multi-modal output (text, video, images, music from text inputs) was mentioned slong with support for multi-language question/answer combinations. This means people can send questions to GPT 4.0 in one language and receive answers in another language.

In related news, AI startup AI21 has released the Jurassic 2 language model which can handle requests in multiple languages.

For more details please click on this article in the German online news site The possibility of multi-modal output was flagged earlier in the interim release of Kosmos by OpenAI

Some of the features added to GPT 4.0 include:

  1. Multimodal input and output: GPT-4's ability to process different types of input and output can be a game-changer for AI chatbots like ChatGPT. For example, it could potentially allow chatbots to respond with videos or images instead of just text, which could improve the user experience and make interactions more engaging. But this feature is limited and still in development.

  2. Increased capacity for multiple tasks: With its increased capacity for performing multiple tasks simultaneously, GPT-4 could potentially streamline and speed up processes for businesses and organisations that rely on AI technology. For instance, GPT-4 could be used to automate customer service inquiries and handle multiple inquiries at once.

  3. Improved accuracy: The increased accuracy of GPT-4 can have significant implications for the reliability of information on the internet. Applications such as search engines that rely on GPT-4 could provide more accurate and reliable results, reducing the spread of misinformation and increasing user trust in these applications.

  4. Enhanced safety: OpenAI has worked for over six months to ensure that GPT-4 is safe by improving its monitoring framework and working with experts in sensitive fields such as medicine and geopolitics to ensure accurate and safe responses. In its announcement of GPT-4, OpenAI stressed that the system was “82 percent less likely to respond to requests for disallowed content and 40 percent more likely to produce factual responses than GPT-3.5."


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