Writing Code with AI Help
Straylite . Straylite .

Writing Code with AI Help

AI-enabled software development, design and testin g is here now with many options available. Review the list and check out the products available now for coders

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Bitter Lesson of AI
Straylite . Straylite .

Bitter Lesson of AI

See interesting post by Richard Sutton on his blog incomplete ideas. The article describes progress in AI which advances by enabling models to learn rather than teaching them what they should "know". A good point in the light of the current AI "arms race" where many different approaches are being pushed out to market for human use, possibly too soon for some models.

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Do Robots need Passports?
Straylite . Straylite .

Do Robots need Passports?

Do Robots need passports? Or should AI be assigned citizenship and their robot/machine hosts be treated as non-sentient machines?

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“The worst labyrinth is not that intricate form that can entrap us forever, but a single and precise straight line” - Borges

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